It's encouraging that we are now seeing some action being taken to try and resolve some of the issues highlighted by the terrible events of the Grenfell fire last year and the subsequent Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety.
A couple of important of consultations have been published by the Government, a brief summary o f these are;
1) Banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings
The consultation closes on the 14th August 2018, details of the consultation including ways to respond may be found by following the link below:
2) Fire safety: clarification of statutory guidance (Approved Document B)
The consultation closes on the 11th October 2018, details of the consultation including ways to respond may be found by following the link:
3) Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety: final report
Not really a consultation but vitally important is feed back on the Hackett Report released in May this year. It is worth noting that Government have set the 31st July 2018 as a deadline to provide a response. Responses can be emailed to . Further details of the report may be found via this link:

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